
K-means exercise in R language

As a novice in genomic data analysis, one of my goal is to benchmark how well a clustering method works. I ran across this practice of doing k-means at R-exercises the other day and felt it might be a nice start because k-means is easy to perform and conceptually simple for me to correlate what is happening behind the clustering machinery.
K-means exercise in R language

Using Limma to find differentially expressed genes

Ritchie, ME, Phipson, B, Wu, D, Hu, Y, Law, CW, Shi, W, and Smyth, GK (2015). limma powers differential expression analyses for RNA-sequencing and microarray studies.Nucleic Acids Research 43(7), e47.
Using Limma to find differentially expressed genes

Taking advantage of host cellular machinery

Original Article: Jha, S. et al. Trans-kingdom mimicry underlies ribosome customization by a poxvirus kinase. Nature 546,651–655 (2017). This is a story about how poxvirus turns human translation machinery in favor of viral transcript by modifying a ribosome-associated gene, RACK1.

Remote connection to Jupyter Notebook

Recently, I analyzed a few single cell RNA-seq datasets and experimented with several new tools from recent publication. While it was fun, most datasets were just too large for my poor laptop to process, and I relied a lot on our server.

Transcriptomically reserved identities for fly olfactory projection neuron

Original article: Li, H. et al. Classifying Drosophila Olfactory Projection Neuron Subtypes by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing. Cell 171,1206.e22–1207 (2017). The complexity of the nervous system has fascinated scientists for centries.

Following up library dependency in R package compilation

Hello there. I had not anticipated to encounter this problem again so soon, but I did when I was installing yet another package on my own laptop. ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/local/gfortran/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin15/6.

Run Seurat (an R Package) in a notebook interface on a server without root

After a while of playing around, I’ll say the best way to use R with a Notebook-style interface on a server where you are no superuser would be using Anaconda, and then run R inside Anaconda to get whatever package you need.

Wandering into next-generation seqeuncing

No Longer That “Next” Generation When I was doing my undergraduate project, microarray was like black magic that turned the labyrinth of gene expression into colorful heatmap and brought your paper into top-notch journals.
Wandering into next-generation seqeuncing